For better body image, be more COSMOPOLITAN

Do you consider yourself to be ‘cosmopolitan’?

A cosmopolitan is someone who is inclusive and accepting of different cultures.

AND, according to some interesting new research, having a cosmopolitan outlook can also result in a more positive body image.

So in today’s post, I’m exploring how being more culturally inclusive improves body confidence.

Watch or read below:

Cultural diversity/inclusion and body image

Recently, I came across a piece of research looking at the relationship between cultural diversity and inclusion and body image.

According to the study, having an understanding of different cultures can result in a more positive body image.

Being inclusive and accepting of different cultures is known as having a ‘cosmopolitan’ outlook.

Cosmopolitans are known for their open-mindedness and desire to learn new languages and skills.

The study suggests that cosmopolitans also value their bodies for what they can do i.e. allowing them to engage in an active and diverse lifestyle.

It’s the combination of these factors that contribute to a better body image among cosmopolitans.

Embrace your inner cosmopolitan

So how can you use this interesting piece of research to improve your body confidence?

Well, it’s relatively simple to cultivate a more cosmopolitan outlook.  Not only that, it can be fun too!

There are a few ways that you can bring more cultural diversity into your life, for example:

  • Travelling;
  • Mixing with a diverse set of people;
  • Learning new languages;
  • Experiencing foreign foods and traditions;
  • Embracing an open mind-set

Remember, becoming more culturally diverse doesn’t mean you have to travel.  You can even experience different cultures by reading a book or watching a movie or documentary.

The world needs greater cultural diversity and connection.  So flexing your cosmopolitan muscles will help create not only a healthier body image but an improved society too.

I’d love to know how you plan to embrace greater cultural diversity. Please leave a comment below.

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