Let’s celebrate your body confidence progress

When you reflect on your body confidence progress, how do you feel?

Do you pat your self on the back and feel pleased with yourself or bemoan your lack of progress?

If you feel like your progress is zero, you’re not alone!

So in this post, I’m explaining why you’re probably looking at ‘progress’ all wrong.

When you review your body confidence progress in the way I suggest, I guarantee you’ll notice forward motion.

Watch or read below:

Your body confidence progress

I like to think of your body confidence progress as everything you’ve learnt on your journey so far.

It’s not just about the ‘high’ points, but more importantly what you’ve learnt from what you consider to be your failures or setbacks.

I believe that I have learned more from times when things didn’t go so well than from when they did.

When you look at your progress in this way, there is no such thing as failure, just feedback!

Feedback from setbacks teaches you what doesn’t work for you or alerts you to the things that need more of your focus.

Reflecting on your progress

Throughout my 1:1 coaching programme, The Body Confidence Journey, I encourage clients to reflect on their key insights along the way, and celebrate what they’ve learnt so far.

Learning is progress, no matter whether that learning has come from a little win or a perceived failure.

So what have you learned on your body confidence journey so far? To help you figure this out, I’ve got some coaching questions to guide you.

Reflection questions

When you can, take a notebook, and write out your responses to the following questions:

Ask yourself, since I’ve been doing body image work…

What’s been my biggest insight?

So, what stands out as a key piece of learning for you?

What do I know now that I didn’t before?

It might be a myth you’ve uncovered about body image or a belief you once held that you’ve challenged.

What have been the highlights of my body confidence progress?

These can be little wins or bigger highlights. Have you done something differently since you started? What are you most proud of yourself for?

What have I found the most difficult?

Think about the setbacks you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from them.

Celebrate your body confidence progress

Take the time to read over your responses and celebrate your progress. Acknowledge the progress you’ve made, no matter how big or small – it’s still something to be celebrated.

Now decide how you will celebrate. What do you enjoy doing most? Taking some time out for you? A coffee date with a friend, a glass of fizz? Decide what works for you.

Taking the time to review and celebrate your body confidence progress helps you not only to figure out where you’re at on your journey, but keeps you motivated too.

If you need help to review and celebrate your body confidence progress, this is something that we cover on my 1:1 coaching programme, The Body Confidence Journey.

Want to know if my coaching programme is a good fit for you? 

Answer a few questions for me so I can find out what you’re looking to achieve with your body confidence. I’ll be in touch to let you know how I can help.

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