How to de-clutter negative body thoughts

Do you enjoy a good de-clutter? I find it cathartic to let go of possessions that no longer serve a useful purpose.

While it’s easy to identify physical clutter, you’re probably less aware of the amount of MENTAL clutter you are carrying around with you every day.

Negative body thoughts and beliefs are a form of mental clutter that drag your body image down.

While getting rid of mental clutter isn’t so easy, with conscious effort it is possible.

Today I’m sharing a simple technique you can use to release mental clutter that’s weighing you down.

Watch or read below:

Physical versus mental clutter

When you clear out physical clutter, you have the option to sell it or give it away to charity. Being able to physically give the clutter away helps you to let it go.

However, with mental clutter, like your negative body thoughts, it can be a bit trickier.

Many of your thoughts and ideas you’ve carried around for years. They’re things that you’ve heard in the media or from friends and family that you’ve taken at face value.

Clearing negative body thoughts

One simple question

Holding onto negative body thoughts isn’t good for your body image.  To help you let go of this mental clutter, there’s one simple question you can ask yourself.

Each time you hear yourself say something as a fact, ask the question:

“Is that a true statement?”

If you think something like, “Nobody will love me unless I’m thin”, stop to ask if this statement is true.

Look for evidence that this is the truth. Unless you can come up with compelling evidence to support the thought or idea, it isn’t true.

Why do we think this way?

If you really question why you think these types of things, it’s hard to come up with a reason. They’ve simply been drilled into your mind. They’ve become automatic, and when you realise that’s the case, it’s easier to let them go.

To help you understand why you may have been holding on to negative body thoughts, look at what the thought or idea has given you. Has it helped you to feel safe, comfortable or confident? For example, deciding to put your love life on hold because “Nobody will love you unless you’re thin” is one way to avoid being in hurt in a relationship.

Send negative body thoughts on their way

Once you’ve questioned the truth and reasoning for your negative body thoughts, let them go by saying aloud: “Your work here is done, and I’m letting you go.”

Working through a process to de-clutter negative body thoughts in the same way that you would with physical clutter makes it easier to let them go, so give this exercise a try.

I’d love to know, how does it feel to de-clutter your negative body thoughts? Leave a comment below.

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