Use your ‘genetic mirror’ to feel good in your body

Today’s post touches on something that is deeply personal to me.

One of the reasons I believe that I’ve struggled with my body image is that I’m adopted.

Not being able to see my features reflected back in my adoptive parents made it difficult for me to accept my appearance.

If you’re not adopted, this may be a tricky concept to get your head around.

BUT, in this post, I’m exploring how you can use your ‘genetic mirror’ to positively impact your body image.

Watch or read below:

Before I explain what I mean by a genetic mirror, I need to share something deeply personal about my own body image story.

I’ve not shared this in any of my posts before, but I’m adopted. One of the things I’ve discovered over the past year is the impact being adopted has on the way I feel about my body.

Being adopted into a family that is genetically different to your biological one, means you look different from them. And, there will also be other differences in your personality, behaviour, talents, etc.

What is a genetic mirror?

Genetic mirroring is essentially being able to see yourself in your family.

Seeing traits whether physical or otherwise in another means you are more likely to feel good about those traits.

When you look into your genetic mirror, you know those traits have been passed down from your family.

Growing up, I didn’t have a genetic mirror. When I was teased about various aspects of my appearance at school, I couldn’t turn to a genetic mirror for comfort. I couldn’t see myself in someone else. I therefore felt different and unacceptable.

If you’re adopted I’m sure that you can relate to what I’m saying! BUT, if you’re not adopted, chances are that you are taking your ‘genetic mirror’ for granted.

Use your genetic mirror for better body image

Seeing yourself in your parents or a beloved grandparent can help you appreciate your body and appearance.

Some features will be passed down from generation to generation. You can’t change DNA. If you’re berating a particular aspect of your appearance, don’t forget where that feature came from.

For example, if you don’t like your red hair but it was passed down from a grandmother that you loved dearly, embrace it. It’s a reminder of someone you cared for.

Having a genetic mirror helps you to feel that you belong – that you’re okay as you are because there is someone else just like you.

The first time I saw pictures of my birth parents, it felt incredible to see myself in someone else.

So don’t take your genetic mirror for granted. The next time you feel down about an aspect of your appearance, ask where in your family that feature has come from? Be proud of how the family DNA has shown up in you.

I’d love to know how you feel looking in your genetic mirror.  Please leave a comment below.

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